The LIFE ECOTRAVID project consortium is composed by Collecte Localisation Satelittes (CLS), coordinating beneficiary, and two associated beneficiaries, Fraunhofer institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) and Groupe SAMAT SA (SAMAT AQUI).

“For earth, from space”
CLS, a subsidiary of the French Space Agency, is a worldwide company and pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions for the Earth since 1986. Its mission is to deploy innovative space-based solutions to understand and protect our planet, and to manage its resources sustainably. CLS employs 750 people, at its headquarters in Toulouse (France) and in its 24 other sites around the world. The company works in five strategic divisions/markets: sustainable fisheries management, environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance, fleet management, and energy. CLS process environmental data and positions from 100,000 beacons per month, ocean and inland waters observations. The CLS Group had a turnover close to 128 million Euros in 2018. The group, which has been achieving strong growth in recent years, has set ambitious goals to take advantage of the opening-up of new markets

“Research dedicated to the future”
Fraunhofer as a whole is Europe’s leading application-oriented research organization. Our research efforts are geared entirely to people’s needs: health, security, communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the work undertaken by our researchers and developers has a significant impact on people’s lives. We are creative. We shape technology. We design products. We improve methods and techniques. We open up new vistas. In short, we forge the future. Its research activities are conducted by 72 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. Affiliated international research centres and representative offices provide contact with the regions of greatest importance to present and future scientific progress and economic development.
Fraunhofer ITWM is one of the biggest research institutes for applied mathematics worldwide, working together with small, medium-sized as well as large companies to improve their products. By translating their requirements into mathematical terms, the entire spectrum of mathematical tools as well specifically developed novel methods are applied to solve the problems. All classical disciplines of applied mathematics such as numerics, optimization, statistics, differential equations etc. are part of our daily work. Specific competencies of the ITWM are
- Processing of data acquired from experiments and observations
- Drafting of mathematical models
- Implementation of mathematical problem-solving in numerical algorithms
- Summarization of data, models and algorithms in simulation programs
- Optimization of solutions in interaction with the simulation
- Visualization of simulation runs in images and graphics.

“European sensitive products transport and logistics expert”
Transporting hazardous substances is a challenge. Samat has been facing it every day for 40 years. Our tanks and containers criss-cross European roads to meet our customers’ expectations and provide them with bespoke services in terms of chemicals, hydrocarbons, air and liquid petroleum gases.
While remaining focused on our core business : the transport of sensitive products, we also want to include the best of technology and provide high added value services. We do all we can to be recognized as a premium choice business at the service of your performance.
This ambition can now be fully achieved at the European level thanks to our many sites. Indeed, the size achieved, combined with the agility of our network, makes it possible for us to act as close as possible to our customers, while proposing innovating solutions.